Monday, September 26, 2005

Once again from Berlin

Since my BLOG page comes up in German instead of English, I can't seem to find the "PUBLISH" button, no matter how many different buttons I try. You blog afficionados will just have to wait until my linguistic skills improve.

I'm beginnning to age again. Slept the whole nite through last nite. For once it's good to grow older.

Just an aside. For those of you who might come here, and have concerns about all the walking on the walking tours, don't worry. There are no hills to worry about. Berlin was built on a swanp, and who ever heard of a hilly swamp?

Trains live up to their reputation. I took a photo of one arriving the day before yesterday. So what's so unique about that? It was 10 minutes late!! I could probably blackmail DB (rail system) with that photo.

Reason I'm writing this, is because I had extra minutes on the terminal, and I hated to see them go to waste.

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